Bulletins & Field Trip Guides
GSM Bulletins
Do you have old bulletins, abstracts or field-trip guides? Add them to our online Archive! Contact the GSM Website Administrator (webadmin AT gsmmaine.org) if you would like to contribute to the archive.
This page is a work in progress as we add materials from the archive. Thank you for your understanding.
Short Course Abstracts – COMING SOON
The Geology of Maine, The Geological Society of Maine Short Course,
October 15, 2003. Moderator – Walter Anderson, former State Geologist
Field Trip Guides – COMING SOON
2017 Field Trip, Classic localities on the southern Maine coast, Henry Berry, using geology featured in Arthur Hussey’s 2015 book “A Guide to the Geology of Southwestern Maine.” Handout 1, Handout 2, Handout 3, Handout 4, Field Trip Stop Highlights
2016 Field Trip Guide, Bedrock and surficial geology in the greater Belfast-Brooks area, south-central Maine, David P. West, Jr., Woodrow B. Thompson, Roger LeB. Hooke, Stephen Pollock
2009, Geology of the Camden Hills Area, with Contributions by Henry N. Berry IV, Woodrow B. Thompson, Douglas N. Reusch and Thomas K. Weddle, August 8-9, 2009.
2008, Field Trip Guide for Mt. Desert Island and Schoodic Peninsula , July 26-27, 2008: 2008 FT Guide Mt Desert Island and Schoodic OCR with contributions by Joseph Kelley (University of Maine), Robert Marvinney (Maine Geological Survey), Chris Koteas (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Thomas Weddle (Maine Geological Survey), and Steven Haynes (Maine Granite Industry Historical Society).
1997, Geologic Studies in the Sebago Lake Region, Maine: 1997 Geologic Studies in the Sebago Lake Region, Maine OCR