Code of Conduct
This code of conduct applies to members and participants in GSM events, activities, and publications.
Expectations for participation in GSM events, publications, and activities:
- Treat everyone with respect.
- Be mindful of others and your surroundings.
- Engage in inclusive practices.
- Be accountable to yourself and others.
- Act professionally and with integrity.
GSM does not to tolerate discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, bullying, or retaliation against others based on Protected Characteristics (as defined by the Geological Society of America, GSA). Our members maintain professional integrity and do not engage in research or other workplace misconduct.
When GSM members or participants fail to meet these expectations, members of the Executive Committee (and/or designated individuals) will respond and take appropriate action in line with this Code of Conduct. If any violations or incidents that appear to create a threat to public health and safety, we will notify the appropriate authorities.
As members of the GSM, we will collaborate to hold each other accountable and adjust practices and this policy as needed.
Where this policy does not cover a specific situation, we will look to the GSA code of conduct for guidance.
This document was inspired by the Geological Society of America Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct:
(Adopted August 1, 1976, Revised November 1988, Revised November 4, 2003, Revised November 8, 2019)
Section 1. The name of the association shall be “The Geological Society of Maine” (GSM).
Section 2. The name of the society may not be used, nor any reference to it made in any advertising, promotion, solicitation, or the like, without prior written permission of the Society.
ARTICLE II – Purpose
Section 1. To further the public awareness and understanding of the geology of the State of Maine, and of the modern geologic processes which affect the Maine landscape and the human environment;
Section 2. To develop and encourage continuing social contact and dialogue among geologists working in Maine;
Section 3. To advance the professional improvement of its members;
Section 4. To inform members and other interested persons of current and planned geologic programs in Maine.
Section 5. To provide a financial base to publish and distribute a periodic Newsletter, to cover matters of technical and general interest, and to announce future society meetings.
Section 6. To receive and administer gifts, bequests, and devises from persons, firms, or corporations to the GSM.
Section 7. To perform acts instrumental in the furtherance of the foregoing purposes, including the owning, leasing, or otherwise dealing in real estate in order to further said purposes.
ARTICLE III – Non-Profit
Section 1. This society shall be non-profit. All assets shall belong to the GSM and shall not inure to the benefit of any member or group of members of the society.
ARTICLE IV- Membership
Section 1. A member shall be defined as any person who is interested in furthering the goals of the society and who fulfills the requirements of section 1a, 1b, or 1c.
1.a. Those persons who hold a Bachelors degree in geology and engaged in the practice of geology for at least one year, or who have a Masters degree in geology, in lieu of the one year requirement, or who have demonstrated by trade a degree of geological professionalism, regardless of the academic training, shall be designed as “Regular Members.”
1.b. Those persons who demonstrate an interest in the geological sciences and who are desirous of association with the society, but do not meet the requirements of sections 1a or 1c, shall be designated as “Associate Members.”
1.c. Those persons currently enrolled as a student in any college or school of higher learning who are interested in the field of geology and are desirous of association with the Society, shall be designated as “Student Member.”
Section 2. There will be no Maine residency requirement for any of the three categories of membership.
ARTICLE V- Dues & Fees
Section 1. Dues and fees will be established by the Executive Council to provide for funding functions of the Society in keeping with its not-for-profit status. These dues and fees will be reexamined periodically. See Article VIII, Section II, part 2, Duties of the Executive Council*1.
ARTICLE VI – Annual Meeting
Section 1. An annual meeting of the members of the Society shall be held during the Fall Meeting of each year*2 for the purpose of electing councilors, receiving financial reports, and for the conduct of such old business as may come before the meeting. The date and time of the meeting shall be determined by the Executive Council. The Secretary of the Society shall be responsible for providing sufficient notification of the meeting to all members.
Section 2. Other meetings may be called by the President or Executive Council when deemed necessary.
2.a. Several periodic meetings will be scheduled each year; time and place of said meetings to be designated by the President of Executive Council.
Section 3. At each annual meeting the membership shall elect officers and councilors as necessary to fill vacant or expiring positions. A slate of officers and councilors shall be recommended to the membership by the Nominating Committee prior to the annual meeting.
ARTICLE VII – Officers
Section 1. The officers of the Association shall be as follows:
a. President
b. Vice-President
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
e. Newsletter Editor *3
f. Historian *4
g. Website Administrator *8
Section 2. The officers shall be elected by the membership at the annual meeting to serve a two-year *5 term of office.
Section 3. President — The President shall be responsible for conducting the affairs of the Society and for executing the policies established by the Executive Council. The President shall appoint the chairman of the committees as provided in Article VIII and shall serve ex officio as a member of each committee.
Section 4. Vice-President — In the event of the absence or disability of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of that office. The Vice-President shall also be a permanent member of the Nominating Committee *6 and perform such other duties as assigned by the Executive Council or by the President.
Section 5. Secretary — The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the activities of the Society; recording names of officers, councilors, and committee members; giving notice of all meetings of the Society, the executive council, and committees; keeping the minutes of the meetings of the members and the Executive Council, and cause them to be recorded in a book kept for that purpose; and conducting such correspondence as may be required.
Section 6. Treasurer — The Treasurer shall have custody of the Society funds, shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements and shall deposit all funds and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Society in such depositories as may be designated by the Executive Council. Under the direction of the President, the Treasurer shall prepare the annual report accounting for all transactions and describing the financial condition of the Society. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget for submission to the Executive Council and to the Society at the Annual Meeting. On disbursements of funds over three hundred dollars ($300.00) the President shall countersign the checks. The President also has the right to disburse funds, but must have the Treasurer’s joint signature on checks in excess of $1000.00 *7.
Section 7. Newletter Editor — The Newsletter Editor will prepare a newsletter from reports by the other Officers and from member submissions, three times per year, generally in October (before the Annual Fall Meeting), February (before the Spring Meeting) and June (before the Summer Meeting). The Newsletter Editor will see that the newsletter is distributed in an efficient manner through mail and/or electronic means. The Newsletter Editor will also serve as a coordinator of communications among the Executive Council and the membership.
Section 8. Historian — The Historian will, from time to time, supply items for publication in the newsletter, and in general maintain a history of the GSM for use of the membership and the Executive Council.
Section 9. Website Administrator – The Website Administrator will be responsible for designing, adding, maintaining, and updating content on the website of the Geological Society of Maine. Content development will be conducted in coordination with the Executive Council and any committees created by the Executive Council, but final design implementation is at the discretion of the Website Administrator. The Website Administrator will serve as the liaison with the website provider in coordination with the Treasurer.
ARTICLE VIII – Executive Council
Section 1. The Executive Council shall be composed of the seven elected officers plus three additional councilors elected from the membership of the Society. At the first annual meeting one councilor will be elected to serve until the second annual meeting, one shall be elected to serve until the third annual meeting, and one shall be elected to serve until the fourth annual meeting. At each annual meeting after the first, one councilor shall be elected by the membership to a three-year term of office.
Section 2. The Executive Council shall provide the general direction for and control of the affairs of the association. In addition to the duties customarily performed by the Council it shall:
1. Transact all business necessary and proper for the efficient management of the Society.
2. Establish dues and fees, payment schedules, and any reimbursements deemed appropriate.
3. Confirm membership and terminate members who resign from the Society or who, given good cause, are voted out of the society by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Council.
4. Fill vacancies on the Executive Council.
5. Appoint a By-Laws committee from the Executive Council and membership at large to make recommendations for changes to these By-Laws for consideration of the members at the annual meeting or a special meeting for said purpose.
6. Appoint a Nominating Committee from the Executive Council and membership at large to make recommendations for officers and councilor to be nominated at the annual meeting.
7. Appoint committees from the Executive Council and/or membership at large to address specific areas of concern to the society, including but not limited to the following:
a. Program Committee
b. Public Relations Committee
c. Fund Raising Committee
d. Publications Committee
The Executive Council may from time establish other permanent or temporary committees to carry out particular activities that they deem necessary.
Section 1. The By-Laws of the Society may be altered or repealed by affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Society membership present at any scheduled meeting of the Society. Any question as to the proper interpretation of the provisions of these By-Laws shall be resolved by majority vote of the Executive Council.
ARTICLE X – Liability and Grievances
Section 1. No officer, council member, committee member, or other member working in the name of the Society shall be held liable as a result of Society activities.
Section 2. Grievances concerning any aspect of Society activities shall be referred to the Executive Council for consideration.
*1 A set fee schedule was eliminated at the Fall Meeting of November, 1988 (see GSM Newsletter: Feb. 1989; vol. 15, #2, p. 12.
*2 See GSM Newsletter: Feb. 1989; vol. 15, #2, p. 12.
*3 Proposed and accepted at the Fall Meeting of November, 1988 (see GSM Newsletter: Feb. 1989; vol. 15, #2, p. 12.
*4 Proposed addition by the Executive Council, accepted at the Fall Meeting, Nov. 4, 2003.
*5 Term of offices extended to two years at the Fall Meeting of November, 1998 (not found in published notes).
*6 Additional responsibility proposed by Executive Council in Spring 2003, accepted at the Fall Meeting, Nov. 4, 2003.
*7 Change proposed by Executive Council in Spring 2003 to reflect current practice, accepted at the Fall Meeting, Nov. 4, 2003.
*8 Change proposed and accepted at the Fall Meeting of November 8, 2019 (see meeting minutes in the Spring 2020 GSM Newsletter).
The following Policies were adopted April 3, 1992. They are not part of the bylaws.
1. The president shall maintain a file of correspondence both within and without the Society and of any other matters considered important enough to become part of the society’s permanent record, including a copy of each issue of The Maine Geologist. Annually, prior to the fall meeting, other officers except the Treasurer shall add their correspondence to the file. The file shall be passed on to each succeeding President. The Treasurer, however, shall maintain a separate file of all financial transactions.
2. Part of the duties of the officers include the following: The Vice President shall be responsible for the arranging and publicizing the annual summer field trip. The Treasurer shall handle publication sales and inventory. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the meetings, including brief summations of talks by guest speakers. The official version of the minutes are those published in The Maine Geologist
3. The summer Maine Geologist shall have an approximate box in which any member in the arrears on dues shall be notified by a red check.; Those who have not paid by the date of publication of the next Maine Geologist will be removed from the mailing list.
4. The President shall decide what organizations may be given the Society’s mailing list for a one time use only, provided the organization is nonprofit, scientific, or educational.
5. The President in consultation with the Executive Committee shall decide to what activities of other organizations the Society will lend its name as a cosponsor, provided there are no financial or other potential liabilities involved, and the activity is nonprofit, scientific, or educational.
6. Announcements of meetings of other nonprofit, scientific, or educational organizations in The Maine Geologist shall be at the discretion of its Editor.
7. Tape recordings of the Society’s meetings shall not be permitted. This is not meant to exclude the press.
8. The following are permitted administrative expenses when incurred while doing the society’s business: postage, stationary, copying of correspondence, and phone calls. Such expenses may be incurred by members of the Executive Committee, chairpersons of committees, Bulletin editor, Maine Geologist editor, postal chairperson, short course chairperson. Bills with receipts shall be submitted monthly to the Treasurer for reimbursement.