Fall Meeting Information
The Fall Meeting of the GSM will be held virtually on the afternoon of December 3, 2021 from 1:00 – 5:00 pm.
This meeting will be an opportunity to gather and hear updates from fellow GSM members. We will have some time dedicated to announcements from the community as well as a social hour for extended discussion following the presentations.
The Zoom link for this meeting will be shared with members via email. Please contact president@gsmmaine.org if you are a member and have not received the meeting information.
GSM Fall Meeting Schedule:
1-1:30pm: Business Meeting
1:30-1:35pm: Announcements from Members
1:35-1:45pm: State Geologist, Steve Dickson
1:45-1:55pm: Summer Field Trip Wrap Up
1:55-2:00pm: Introduction to speakers, Sarah Hall
Invited Talks:
2:00-2:40pm: Climate variability in Maine’s hydrologic cycle: Dr. Ryan Gordon, Maine Geological Survey, Hydrogeologist
2:40-2:50pm: BREAK
2:50-3:30pm: Title Pending: Amy Lachance: ME Center for Disease Control, Drinking Water Program Manager
3:35-4:15pm: PFAS in Maine: Molly King, Director of the Division of Technical Services,
Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Remediation and Waste Management
4:20-5:00pm: Data to Action: A secondary school-based citizen science project to address arsenic contamination of well water: Dr. Jane Disney, Mt. Desert Island Biological Laboratory, Senior Staff Scientist and Director of Research Training
5:00-6:00pm: Social Hour (Bring your own beverage!)
Please contact president@gsmmaine.org with any questions.