Geographic Information Technology and Applications


The Geological Society of Maine Fall Meeting

November 18, 2016

Augusta Civic Center, Washington – York Room


1:00–1:25         Application of a Soil Water Balance Method for Estimating                                     Groundwater Recharge in Maine

                                    – Martha Neilson, Hydrologist
                                    U.S. Geological Survey, Maine Office
                                    New England Water Science Center

1:25-1:50          Landsat Data: Search, Download, Process, and Apply

                                    – Amber Whittaker, GIS Coordinator
                                       Maine Geological Survey

1:50-2:15          Maine Geological Survey’s Use of ArcGIS Online for Web Mapping and
                                    Data Delivery

                                    – Chris Halsted, Director, Earth Resources Information
                                       Maine Geological Survey

2:15-2:35          Break – Coffee and snacks provided

2:35-3:00          An Introduction to Structure from Motion and a Trial Application for
                                    Measuring Coastal Bluff Erosion

                                    – Nicholas Whiteman, Masters Candidate
                                    School of Earth and Climate Sciences
                                    University of Maine

3:00-3:45          LiDAR Processing and Terrain Analysis in Global Mapper

                                    – David McKittrick,
                                    Senior Applications Specialist
                                    Blue Marble Geographics

3:45-4:00          Memorials for recently departed members of Maine’s geology community

4:00-5:00          Keynote Address

                                    Downeast Drainage – Examining and Communicating Pollution
                                    Problems on Maine’s Coast

                                    Dr. Sean Smith, Assistant Professor
                                    School of Earth and Climate Sciences
                                    University of Maine

5:00-5:15          Geological Society of Maine Business Meeting

5:15:6:00          Social with Refreshments