GSM Fall 2023 Meeting: PFAS
1:00 – 6:00 PM, November 17th
Augusta Civic Center
76 Community Dr, Augusta ME
NOTE: The date has changed to November 17th.
Save the date for the Fall 2023 GSM meeting. Although the topic is most likely to be of interest to GSM members, anybody who is interested is invited to attend (no fee is required for attendance). Coffee, tea, juices, and water will be available during the entire meeting and snacks will be served during the break. Members who wish to renew their annual dues in person should visit the welcome table before the meeting.
11:30-12:00: Setup
12:00-1:00: Executive Council Meeting
1:00-1:30: Business Meeting (Agenda: nominations committee, treasurer report, etc.), Announcements from Members
1:30-1:35: Welcome and opening remarks (Myles Felch)
1:35-1:55: Steve Dickson, State Geologist, Maine Geological Survey
2:00-3:10: Invited Talks
3:10-3:25: Break
3:30-5:00 Invited Talks
5:00-6:00: Social Hour (light refreshments and beverages served, cash bar)