GSM Fall 2022 Meeting: Critical Minerals- Resources, Policy and Supply Chain
1:00-6:00PM, November 10th
Augusta Civic Center
76 Community Dr, Augusta ME
Join the GSM for our first in-person meeting since 2019! Although the topic is most likely to be of interest to GSM members, anybody who is interested is invited to attend (no fee required for attendance). Coffee, tea, juices and water will be available during the entire meeting and snacks will be served at the break. Members who wish to renew their annual dues in person should visit the welcome table before the meeting.
11:30-12:00: Setup
12:00-1:00: Executive Council Meeting
1:00-1:30: Business Meeting (Agenda: nominations committee, treasurer report, etc.), Announcements from Members
1:30- 1:35 Welcome and opening remarks (Myles Felch)
1:35-1:55: Steve Dickson, State Geologist, Maine Geological Survey
2:00-3:10: Invited Talks
3:10-3:25: Break
3:30-5:00 Invited Talks
5:00-6:00: Social Hour (light refreshments and beverages served, cash bar)
Invited Talks
2:00-2:20: Diversifying the Critical Mineral Supply Chains
Grant S. Bromhal, United States Department of Energy REMOTE
2:25-2:45: Geologic Mapping and Exploration for Li-bearing pegmatites of the Rumford Series in the Oxford County Pegmatite Field, ME, USA
Myles Felch, Maine Mineral & Gem Museum
2:50-3:10: Federal Policies Pertaining to Critical Mineral Exploration and Mining
Debra Struhsacker, Women’s Mining Coalition, Environmental Permitting and Government Relations Consultant REMOTE
3:10-3:25: BREAK
3:30-3:50: ESG and Sustainable Mining Practices
Dr. Sarah Gordon, Satarla- Risk and ESG training REMOTE
3:55-4:15: Introduction the Maine Lithium Communicators
Peter Arnold, Maine Lithium Communicators
4:20-4:40: Supply Chain Resiliency for Critical Minerals in the Indo-Pacific
Dr. Kristin Vekasi, Dept. of Political Science and School of Public Policy, University of Maine Orono REMOTE
4:45-5:00- Closing remarks. Open floor to discussion from members