Spring Meeting Information
The Spring Meeting of the GSM will be held virtually on the afternoon of April 9, 2021 from 1:00 – 5:00 pm. As in past years, this meeting will be a chance for students to share their research and ongoing projects. With the pandemic limiting interaction during this past year, the meeting will be a great chance to gather and hear updates from the various schools in Maine. A faculty or student representative from each school is invited to give a short update on happenings of the past year or upcoming plans .
With the pandemic limiting our interactions during this past year, this meeting will be an opportunity to gather virtually and hear updates from the various schools in Maine as well as from our GSM members. We will have some time dedicated to announcements from the community as well as a social hour for extended discussion following the presentations.
Keynote Speakers
To showcase some professional work and opportunities for future geoscientists, we have invited several keynote speakers, currently working in Maine, to give ~15 talks about their work.
The Zoom link for this meeting will be shared with members via email. Please contact president@gsmmaine.org if you are a member and have not received the meeting information.
- 1:00pm: Welcome – Meeting Begins
- 1:05-1:30pm: GSM Business Meeting:
- Updates from the Executive Council Committees, Summer Field Trip Information, Coastal Maine Geopark Update, Updates from the State Geologist
- 1:30pm: Announcements from the Community
- 1:45-3:00pm: Talks from Career Geoscientists:
Retired State Geologist, Walter Anderson: The Walter Anderson Fund and Thoughts on Metal Mining in Maine
Dr. Cassaundra Rose: Geoscience Policy Experiences and Professional Development Opportunities
Dr. Lindsay Spigel: Landslides in Maine: A Very Brief Overview
Professional Geologist Keith Taylor: An Environmental Geologist’s Tools of the Trade
- 3:00-4:30pm: Student presentations:
- * Denotes poster presentation. Posters can be viewed online as of Thursday, April 8 and following the meeting at this link. Poster presenters will introduce their poster for ~3 minutes during the meeting followed by live Q&A. Oral presentations will each be a ~10 min talk delivered during the meeting followed by live Q&A.
- Alexander Audet (University of Maine, Orono): Bi-hemispheric Correspondence Among Mid-latitude Glacier Snowlines, Atmospheric Temperatures, and Westerly Wind Fields
- * Bryer Carlson (University of Maine, Farmington): Hunting for an Esker with G.P.R.
- Lauren Carver (University of Maine, Orono): 10Be surface-exposure chronology of moraines documenting the onset of the last glacial termination at June Lake, eastern Sierra Nevada, USA
- Peter Galloway (Bates College): Geometry of Brittle and Ductile Bedrock Structures influencing Groundwater Hydrology Adjacent to the Chlor-Alkali Superfund site, Berlin, NH
- * Isidora L. Munoz (College of the Atlantic): Pathways of arsenic ingestion in Maine: Data to Action
- Samuel Roberts (University of Maine, Orono): Establishing Baselines for Assessing Coastal features Using Drone Imagery
- Carolyn Ruth Snow (Bates College): A Comparison of Sediments from Above and Below a Tidal Restriction in the Back River Creek Marsh, Woolwich, ME
- 4:30pm: Social Time/Networking
Please contact president@gsmmaine.org with any questions.