Spring Meeting Information
The Spring Meeting of the GSM will be held virtually on the afternoon of April 15, 2022 from 1:00 – 5:00 pm. The Zoom link for this meeting will be shared with members via email. Please contact president AT gsmmaine.org if you are a member and have not received the meeting information.
As in past years, this meeting is dedicated to student researchers – it’s a chance for them to share their research and ongoing projects with the GSM community.
Student presentations: abstract submission information
Students can choose to present a poster with a lightning talk (~3min) presentation or a longer ~7-10min oral presentation. Students interested in presenting their work in either a poster or short oral presentation should submit an abstract by April 1 using this Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdaKAur6eLW5Gqs6HeEni78qFT2bHNkJ9L5BQ-HWxY_hDozFg/viewform.
Benefits of presenting: cash awards for best presentations! Free annual GSM membership for all student presenters!
Oral presentations should be no longer than 10 minutes in length and will be presented live during the zoom meeting (content may be pre-recorded). Poster presentations should be completed and uploaded ahead of the meeting. Poster presenters will have 3 minutes to introduce their poster live during the meeting. Meeting attendees will have access to pdfs of the posters ahead of and after the meeting. We will record the zoom event so members who cannot attend can watch the presentations at their convenience. Presenters will receive instructions about how to prepare and upload their presentation content upon abstract submission confirmation.