The Spring Meeting of the GSM will be held in-person at the University of Maine, Orono on the afternoon of March 31st, 2023 from 12:00 – 5:30 pm. 

The School of Earth and Climate Sciences at the University of Maine is pleased to host the Geological Society of Maine’s Spring meeting. This meeting will showcase student research, so we are requesting participation from all of Maine’s college campuses in the form of research posters and 12-minute talks. The meeting will take place on Friday afternoon, March 31, in the Bryand Global Science Center. We plan to combine this year’s meeting with the dedication of a collection of stunning, museum quality specimens recently donated by the Golden Family to the School of Earth and Climate Sciences. The collection will be on display on the second floor of the Bryand Global Science Center. In addition, we are pleased to announce that Dr. John Slack, Scientist Emeritus with the USGS, will provide the keynote address titled “Potential for Critical Mineral Deposits in Maine.”

As in past years, this meeting is dedicated to student researchers – it’s a chance for them to share their research and ongoing projects with the GSM community.

Student presentations: abstract submission information

If you are interested in presenting a poster or talk at the GSM meeting, please send an abstract in Word or plain text format to Marty Yates (yates AT by Friday, March 24. Posters should be standard Geological Society of America format (for example, see GSA’s 2022 Information for Presenters). Talks will be limited to 12 minutes, and due to time constraints, only the first five talk requests will be accepted. Posters and talks by undergraduates will be judged for the Anderson Award competition.


  • In the Bryand Global Science Center:
    • 12:00 pm Registration and Poster Setup
    • 12:30 pm Poster Presentations
  • In Nutting Hall, Rm100:
    • 2:00 pm GSM Business Meeting
    • Keynote Address: Dr. John Slack, “Potential for Critical Mineral Deposits in Maine”
    • GSM student talks
  • In the Bryand Global Science Center:
    • 4:30 pm Golden Family Mineral Collection and Student Center Dedication
    • Anderson Fund Poster and Talk Awards
    • Social Hour

Parking is available behind (east side) of Bryand Global Science Center.

Please contact president AT with any questions.