The 2015 GSM field trip will be held July 25-26 at Isle au Haut. Leaders will be Dr. Marshall Chapman of Morehead State University, Morehead, Kentucky, and Bob Gerber, CG, engineering and geologic consultant and summer resident of Isle au Haut. The coastal setting and high tourist season mean we have to plan ahead, and we need commitments from those who are planning to go. Here is the announcement and registration form that has been mailed to all members. We need your registration form back by May 31. If you are staying at the campground we need a check for $25 (for campground reservation) by May 31.
Here is a more detailed description of the field trip:
2015 Field Trip info_12_15_2014 edits
People with questions that are not answered by this attachment can contact Bob Gerber via email at
Hope to see you there!